Thank You To Our 2023 Donors!
Thank you to all of our 2023 donors! Our Officers and Board of Directors thank the following individuals for cash donations this year. Thank you for supporting the programs of the TLA!
Our donor list is regularly updated on this page.
Please note that this is NOT a membership list. This is a list of people who made donations in addition to paying their $15.00 dues.
Bonnie Adams
James & Jan Adams
Tina Adams
William & Velma Adams
Timothy & Linda Ahearn
Caroline Allen
Randy & Jennifer Anderson
Ralph & Sherry Angelides
Steve & Beth Ashcroft
Larry & Carol Auger
Terry Averill
Daniel & Karen Babine
Ronald Bard
Bob Baseler
Donald & Elaine Beaudoin
Roger & Janice Beaudoin
Dana & Nancy Beaule
Kurt & Denise Bechtel
Joseph & Judith Belanger
Joline & Larry Bell
Steve & Diane Bergeron
Sasha & Buddy Bernard
Anna Perra & Earl Black
William & Robin Bonn
Jerry & Chrissy Bosse
Angela Bournakel
Christopher Bournakis
Marc & Donna Bouyea
Brian & Janis Boyer
Jodi & Mike Brewer
Tom & Jane Bureau
Daniel Butler
Bob & Bridget Cailler
Denis & Nancy Castonguay
Don & Lena Champagne
Robert & Amy Charest
Roland & Connie Chretien
Anne & Immo Christoph
William & Dorothy Christopoulos
Joel Packer & Diane Clay
Michael & Celina Coffey
Cheri Cooledge
Robert & Rose Correale
Bert & Linda Cote
Giles & Deborah Couture
Richard & Cheryl Cutliffe
Don & Karen Cyr
Michael & Janet Dana
Wilfrid DeBlois
Sarah & Rick Delaney
Don & Buffy DeMatteis
Kenneth Dennison
Mike & Gail D’Errico
Armand & Joline Desjardins
Peter & Sue Dionne
Margaret Donovan
Tim & Maureen Donovan
Louis & Mary Dorogi
Nancy Dow
Deanna & Kevin Doyle
Ty & Erinn Dubay
Roger & Pauline Dubois
Joni Boissoneault & Rob Duplisea
Chuck & Gloria Earley
Al & Judy Edgecomb
Scott & Jamie Elliot
John & Michelle Erskine
Stephen & Debra Estes
David & Shirley Everhart
Clifford & Pauline Farr
John & Lynn Fitzgerald
James & Rebecca Fleming
Michele & Marty Ford
Dale Forrest
Richard & Brenda Foster
Ronald Foster
Anita Fournier
Rick & Kathy Fulton
Craig & Laurie Furlong
Dennis & Kristi Gallant
Dale & Rhonda Gamage
Douglas & Leslie Gardner
Tim & Laurie Garrity
Jere Gimbel
Roland & Anita Girouard
Peter & Cheryl Godfrey
Kate Goodspeed
Gilbert Griffiths
Ron Guay
Andre Guerin
Jonathan Smith & Karen Hahnel
Jonathan & Susan Hatch
Carolyn Valley & H Russell Heald
Kevin Heil
Judi Shilling & Jeanine Heil
Mark Isaacson & Karen Herold
Maria & Adam Higgins
Bradford Hilton
Bill & Lisa Hird
Geoffrey Hole
John Holland
Cathy & Steve Holt
David & Peggy Howes
Bruce & Sandra Hubbard
Donald & Berthe Hutchinson
Leigh Hutchinson
Steve & Carolyn Jackson
Michael & Linda Jacobson
Carolyn Janner
Kimberly & Keith Johnson
Lyn Jordan
Patricia & John Kline
Pete & Cheryl Koehler
James & Erin Kux
Roger & Maureen Lachapelle
Tim & Renee Lachapelle
Tom & Lucy Lafreniere
Dennis & Phyllis Lamarre
David Allen & Martha Lapierre
Jon Larrabee
Rochelle Lebel
Kathleen Malloy & David Ledew
Rayna Leibowitz
Joshua Lemieux
Marc & Elaine Letourneau
Bianca Lepore
Curtis & Kristen Lindamood
Marilyn Lyon
Theresa & John Madore
Florian & Mary Lou Magno
Charlie & Bette Manchester
Michael & Angelia Marchus
David & Irene Marshall
Kim & Scott Maruschock
April & David Marzilli
Dana & Sheila Mather
Stanley & Sandra McCurdy
William & Angela McKeen
Lynne McKenney
Wayne & Jean McPhail
Steve Mennealy
Richard & Wendy Michaud
Andrea Milotte
Nick & Mary Morgan
Winston & Shirley Morgan
James & Marie Mortell
Lindsay & Mark Nelsen
Barb & Melvin Newendyke
Emerson Lee & Mildred Noddin
Roger & Teresa Nutter
Karl & Maureen Nuzzo
George Odencrantz
Christopher & Deborah Oliver
Carl & Kelly Olsen
Ari & Josh O’Neill
Bruce & Karen Ouellette
Gerry & Dorise Ouellette
Giles & Linda Ouellette
Donna Ouellette-Dumas
Karen Bailey & Ellen Parker
Brian & Jessica Patton
John Partridge
Joline & Gary Pelletier
Gerard & Maddy Perron
Justin Poirier
Scott Daniels & Monique Poirier
Dennis & Gail Pomerleau
Andrew & Cheryl Poulopoulos
Cynthia Provencher
Janice Provencher
Kevin & Stacy Provencher
Daniel Warren & Robin Provencher
Robert Pruyn
Lauren Pushard
Brittany Quirion
John & Donna Racine
Paul & Diane Rheaume
Betty Ricker
Rick & De Ricker
Richard Rines
Steve & Louise Roberge
Russell & Elizabeth Rodrigue
Steve & Kathy Rodrigue
Timothy Ronan
Meredith & Leigh Ross
Thomas & Kathryn Rousseau
Paul & Denise Roy
Vicki & Paul Roy
Julie Sawtelle
Ronald & Marilyn Segars
Alan & Lynn Sidman
Claudette Simard
Doris Simonson c/o Celine Goddard
Grant & Bridget Siwinski
Richard & Joni Smith
Patricia Soboleski
Helene St Hilaire
Gary & Doreen St Laurent
Rick & Kristen St Peter
Roger & Joyce St Pierre
Jerome & Janet Stanisz
Bethel Hodgkins Stephens
Holly Stevens
Ryan Alekman & Rebecca Stowe
Robert & Mary Szaro
Paul & Gayle Talbot
Scott & Linda Taylor
Remi & Patricia Theberge
James & Shareen Thompson
Helen Thorne
Steve & Sarah Tilton
Sabrina Toye
Russell & Donna Vachon
Al Ridolfo & Brad Vanderweide
Rick & Ginger Van Nostrand
Vince & Carole Vincent
Andrew & Carol Walker
Don & Evelyn Waterman
Peter Waterman & Partners
Kelly & Elizabeth Weissenfels
Roberta Welch
Angela & Reuben Wheeler
Dian White
Mary Whitten
Fred & Cheryl Wilcoxon
Susie Wilding-Hartford
Douglas & Sandra Williams
Gayle & Gary Williams